Every barefoot trimmer has a story to tell about how they became obsessed with horse feet. I had no idea I would end up in this career but it seems to be a perfect fit.
My journey into the world of barefoot began in the early 2000’s in the suburbs of Chicago. When I bought my first horse, Cheyenne. She was shod in front and toed in on her RF. She developed a habit of tripping and stumbling, which became concerning and potentially dangerous. I tried going barefoot.
Wanting to learn more, I attended a hoof dissection clinic in 2002 in Bartlett, Illinois with Martha Olivo. I enjoyed it, but I remained the owner who just held the lead rope and chatted with the trimmer while she worked. I didn’t know if “barefoot was best,” I just knew it worked well for my horse.
Fast forward to college, I worked at a local barn in Virginia while I finished my undergraduate degree. I fell in love with a horse there and he became my first experiment. Could you take a horse out of shoes and make them sound again? A trimmer well-versed in the “Hoof Guided Method” (one of many barefoot trimming philosophies) taught me how to use my tools and then I was on my own. This horse had so many issues that I had to dive deep into research to discover how to help heal both his body and his feet.

A local equine trigger point myotherapist noticed my progress with him and started referring me to her clients. At first I was hesitant, but it was too late – I had been bitten by the trimming bug! My business grew quickly and I brought on an apprentice, a local horse owner who originally just wanted to learn to trim her own horse’s feet, but then fell in love with the art of trimming as well.
My apprentice, Britinee, and I got in touch with Paige Poss (http://www.ironfreehoof.com/ and http://www.anatomy-of-the-equine.com/) to continue our education. Our time with her was invaluable. We hosted a dissection clinic with Paige in Virginia Beach in the summer of 2017, and it was an incredible experience. Many of my clients attended and we passed cadaver bones back and forth to each other, in awe.
My husband and I made the big but tough decision to move to Washington for graduate school in the fall of 2017 and thankfully Britinee was ready and able to take over hoof care for my Virginia clients and I am so grateful they are in good hands!
Building my business again in Washington has been amazing. I have a well-established client base now and have fallen in love with the PNW. I am fully booked in some areas, but am selectively accepting new clients within my service radius.
I enjoy walking owners through the transition process from shod to barefoot. I prioritize being a resource to my clients. I am the best fit as a hoofcare provider for owners who want their horses on a regular trim schedule and who want to learn more about their own role in healing their horse’s feet.
Ongoing/Active Roles
- I am certified through Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners. PHCP includes an amazing network of hoofcare professionals. Find my profile here: https://progressivehoofcare.org/directory/entry/569/. Each star next to my name represents 10 continuing education credits.
- My colleague, Jodie Jensen of Copper Ridge Acres, and I host anatomy and dissection clinics a few times a year, geared towards owners and equine professionals alike.
- I am one of several admin for the Hoof Care and Rehabilitation Facebook group (39k members).
- I am actively engaged in educational conversations and collaboration with other local equine professionals on clients/cases we have in common. Nothing makes me happier than being a part of a team!
- Last but not least, I accept students and owner-trimmers/clients for educational ridealongs as often as I can.
Continuing Education
Collaboration Btwn HCP and Equine Bodyworkers – Saxon Alexandra (PHCP) webinar
Hoof Wear Patterns – What They Really Mean – Nick Hill (PHCP) webinar
Sustaining Your Hoof Care Business Webinar – Teaching (PHCP) – Jan 26
SPHC + HHH Clinic – Basic Anatomy and Hoof Care (teaching): May 5 2024
Emotional Horsemanship – Lockie Phillips in person clinic (audited): May 1-2, 2024
SPHC + CRA Anatomy, Trimming, and Dissection Clinics (Co-teaching): Jan + Feb 2023
Animal Communication Course, Level 1 – w/ Dr. Tracy Rainwaters: Jan 2023 – Feb 2023
WTF: What the Founder webinar – Feb 2023
EMS + PPID: Diagnosis and Management webinar – Feb 2023
Genetics of EMS + Laminitis Risk webinar – March 2023
Amy Skinner Horsemanship Clinic (auditing) – March 2023
Recognizing Stress/Pain Signals in Equines – webinar by Milestone Equestrian – March 2023
Summer IAPF PNW Clinic w/ Paige Poss, Dr. Frank Reilly, Dr. Christopher Wickliffe – June 2023
Animal Communication Course, Level 2 – w/ Dr. Tracy Rainwaters: July + Aug 2023
Sustaining Your Hoof Care Business – PHCP webinar (teaching) – July 2023
Working in Harmony: Biomechanics, Hoof Care & Movement Clinic (co-teaching) – Oct 2023
Animal Communication Course, Level 3 – w/ Dr. Tracy Rainwaters: Nov + Dec 2023
Dr. Bowker on the Equine Hoof PHCP webinar: Dec 2022 – Jan 2023
Elma, WA Anatomy + Dissection Clinic (Co-Teaching) – June 2022
Unbridle Your Creative Spirit w/ Nica Draws Nature – May 2022
Choosing + Fitting Hoof Boots – PHCP webinar w/ Sara Hunt – April 2022
Amy Skinner Horsemanship Clinic – audited – March 2022
Elma, WA Anatomy + Dissection Clinic – February 2022
Basics of Reading Radiographs Course
Laminitis Webinar w/ Dr. Simon Curtis + Mark Aikens
The Smart Way to Feed Horses Course w/ Carol Layton, B.Sc, M.Ed. Advanced nutrition course requirement for PHCP program.
PHCP Advanced Anatomy + Dissection Clinic w/ Anatomy of the Equine – Paige Poss. Tucson, AZ. Covered anatomy in detail, trimmed and dissected cadaver hooves, and finished my last mentorship required for PHCP.
IR + PPID: Diagnosis + Management w/ Dr. Jaini Clougher. Covered EMS, IR, PPID, laminitis, diagnosis, treatment, maintenance, and diet. Online webinar, 2 sessions.
Susan Kauffman of “The Essential Hoof Book” Clinic – Snohomish + Tacoma, WA. Covered anatomy, loading and movement, analyzing hoof health status, and more.
PHCP Trimming Donkeys Webinar – with Holistic Hooves Megan Hensley. 2 part online webinar. Covered donkey behavior, handling, anatomy, and trimming.
PHCP Foal Trimming + Handling Webinar. Covered foal handling, trimming, rehab cases, and more.
AHA Club Foot Webinar w/ Christina Cline. Covered causes and types of club feet, treatment, maintenance, and corrective trimming.
PHCP Mentorship Day – Shelton, WA
WTF: A Beginner’s Guide to Your First Founder Case Webinar w/ Jeanneann Mercuri. Covered the issues involved in active and acute laminitis and founder cases, as well as helpful treatment and maintenance. Online webinar.
Vet + Farrier Collaborative Clinic – Trimming, Rads, Hoof Analysis – Chehalis, WA. One vet and many farriers gathered to compare notes on cadaver feet, trimming, and radiographs before and after trimming.
Pete Ramey 2 Day Clinic – Boring, Oregon.
PHCP Mentorship Day – Aberdeen, WA
PHCP Booting + Dissection Clinic (2 days) – Aberdeen, WA. Covered the various models of boots, shoe removal, and trimming/dissection of cadaver feet.
Hoof Distortions Webinar w/ Paige Poss. Covered common hoof distortions, distal limb anatomy, what is lurking behind cracks and crenas, etc.
PHCP Webinar w/ Nic Barker of Rockley Farm in UK. Covered their rehab program, track system, rehabbing the hoof capsule, nutrition, and trimming. Online webinar.
Mentorship Days w/ Paige Poss, Northern Virginia.
Acupressure, Stretching, + Anatomy Teaching Days – Lorinda Springston, Virginia Beach VA
Distal Limb Anatomy + Dissection Clinic w/ Paige Poss, Virginia Beach, VA